Valley County Museum and Bookstore

Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day: Friday-Sunday, 1-5 pm
Those interested in researching Long Valley History can email us to schedule time a visit to the Nelle Tobias Research Center. Also, many of the items in the museum gift shop will be helpful in conducting research.
Books and indexes available in the Valley County Museum
6% Idaho sales tax has been added to the prices. Please add $3.00 S&H for the first book, $2.00 each for additional book in the same package. Send your order to LVPS, PO box 444, Donnelly ID 83615. Questions? Email us at
Title | Author | Price |
83 Miles of Hell-The Stibnite Ore Haul, 1942-1952 | Duane L. Petersen | $21.15 |
Century of War-The Men & Women Who Served 1860-1960 Valley County, ID | Valley County History Project | $15.85 |
Early Barns and Families-Valley County, ID | Guy (Bob) Fairbrother | $12.67 |
Evolution of Logging in Central Idaho | Duane L. Petersen | $21.20 |
FDR Tree Army-A Brief History of the Civilian Conservation Corps & Its Work in the U.S., Idaho & Valley County | VCHP | $9.49 |
Free Land! Hope and Hardships of Pioneers of Valley County, Idaho | VCHP | $19.03 |
From the Coffee Shop-Mostly True Tales | Duane L. Peterson | $21.15 |
Ladies' Home Cookbook-1913 | VCHP | $10.55 |
Ladies with Sisu-A Brief History of the LV Finnish Ladies' Aid (Sewing Circle) | F.A. Loomis | $7.37 |
Lonesome Whistle-Shay Railroad Logging in Central Idaho (new copy) | Duane L. Petersen | $21.20 |
Long Valley Yesterdays | Sandra Cottrell and Beverly Ingraham | $9.01 |
Looking Back-Sketches of Early Days in Idaho's High Country | Beverly Ingraham | $10.60 |
My Roseberry | Cynthia Pottenger | $12.72 |
Pans, Picks & Shovels | VCHP | $14.79 |
The Long Valley-A Novel | Helen Markley Miller | $15.00 |
Three R's The Hard Way, One-Room Schools of Valley County | Duane L. Petersen | $20.15 |
Valley County, The Way it Was | Duane L. Petersen | $25.92 |
Valley County Idaho, Prehistory to 1920 | VCHP | $26.45 |